Performance is an issue of equity
Website speed and performance are a question of equity. Fast and lightweight sites mean that everyone can access your content equally. It’s not only an economic imperative; it’s a moral imperative.
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Website speed and performance are a question of equity. Fast and lightweight sites mean that everyone can access your content equally. It’s not only an economic imperative; it’s a moral imperative.
We whole-heartedly support the protests and demands for justice and reform. Black lives matter. We’re listening, learning, and taking action.
Our accessibility best practices have changed a lot in recent years, which we're reflecting in the next version of our design system.
Problem-solving is an essential part of software development. Sometimes we get stuck on a particularly baffling problem, and this can feel frustrating and discouraging. The following are some strategies for getting yourself "unstuck."
I re-learned an old design lesson from the humble toilet flusher. As new features are added to existing technologies, careful design is required to make their usage clear.
A frustrating struggle to keep a tiny native app alive reminds me why I appreciate the web.
Comic book artist Wally Wood’s “22 Panels That Always Work” is a legendary bit of productivity hacking. How can you reduce “noodling” in your work?
When Cloud Four was founded back in 2007, the founders set out a vision for the type of company they wanted to build. This has set the tone of the company since then, specifically…
A loosely organized and inexhaustive list of feedback and suggestions I frequently give designers.
Strategies for when the goals of your project, team or users diverge from those of an established design system.