Shifty Tile Flyouts
Although my favorite projects will always be those that allow us to re-evaluate a user experience from the ground up, sometimes that isn’t realistic. That’s where Responsive Retrofitting comes in: The process of making…
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Although my favorite projects will always be those that allow us to re-evaluate a user experience from the ground up, sometimes that isn’t realistic. That’s where Responsive Retrofitting comes in: The process of making…
This happens to me over and over: I have a multi-column grid of tiles, each with varying heights. This means the bottom of certain rows can appear jagged and difficult to scan visually:…
Confession time: For most of my career, I despised form elements. Checkboxes, radios, selects and file inputs seemed to gleefully defy what little control I expected from an HTML element. Their penchant for idiosyncracy drove…
Even before smartphones came along and dashed any hope for a 960-pixel-wide web, designers and organizations have struggled with the challenge of prioritizing and composing content that scrolls. Our screens act like…
Last June, we released our hideShowPassword plugin for improving the experience of password-entry (particularly on mobile devices). As of this writing, it’s our most-starred and most-forked project on GitHub.
A few weeks back, we started hearing from Chrome users about a rather bizarre problem. They’d visit our site, only to find that the text was completely invisible: (Poor Jason, all alone, no…
In July we released SimpleSlideView, a jQuery and Zepto plugin for simple, responsive sliding views (here’s a demo). In the last few months, I’ve noticed an uptick in developers emailing to ask a…
GitHub introduced a new text editor called Atom last week, and reactions (at least in my Twitter feed) seem divided between fervent desire and snide disregard. For every few people shamelessly begging for invites,…
Earlier this week, I made my first custom icon font using IcoMoon (implemented with Filament Group’s “bulletproof” technique). I set my grid sizes and exported, but all the icons felt a little…
When I wrote Common Patterns in Styleguides, Boilerplates and Pattern Libraries back in May, I honestly didn’t know if anyone would find something as pedestrian as a spreadsheet that interesting. It was great to…