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Amazing experiences demand cutting-edge responsive web design

We design and build fast, intuitive and accessible websites and web apps regardless of device, input method and connection speed.

Thinking outside the breakpoint

We believe in mobile-first design because it’s easier to move from a tiny apartment to a house in the suburbs than the other way around. But “mobile,” “tablet” and “desktop” sizes are just a starting point! Our work can adapt to a whole spectrum of your audience’s wants and needs.

  • Resolution

    Viewport size, orientation, color depth

  • Input

    Touch, keyboard, mouse, camera, speech

  • Imagery

    Responsive images, SVG, video

  • Customization

    Dark mode, themes, contrast preferences, motion preferences

  • Device Features

    Offline support, web app installation, push notifications

  • Print Media

    Printer-friendly, PDF, ePub

Modern techniques meet proven expertise

Millions of people have enjoyed our work with global online retailers, healthcare systems, SAAS products and beyond. We helped invent responsive images, wrote the book on Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and brought the industry’s thought leaders together for a Responsive Field Day.

New web standards can be intimidating to adopt when there are so few examples in the wild. Organizations trust Cloud Four to get it right the first time.

Even our process is responsive!

We break our work into responsive design sprints: A cycle of discovery, exploration, prototyping in the browser, then codifying the results to inform the next task. This validates our approach in actual browsers, encourages input and collaboration throughout the project, and avoids costly and confusing artifacts and revisions.

Illustration showing the responsive design sprint process circle of discovery, sketching, and prototyping. A line goes from the sprint circle to components that are extracted and to the design system where they are documented. The arrows go both directions because components feed the sprint process for future prototypes.

This process also streamlines design-development hand-off. By designing in the browser, we catch many technical hurdles before they have a chance to disrupt development. And our customers frequently leverage our work directly or to jump-start their own implementation.

  • Cloud Four is hands down the best agency I have ever worked with on any web project ever in my 25+ web career.

  • Cloud Four’s process stands out for being so transparent, iterative and collaborative. They listened carefully to our goals, asked tough but important questions, and encouraged contributions from everyone. I’m amazed by how much our web experiences transformed with their guidance.

  • I can say with confidence that I’ve never worked with a more technically and thoroughly capable team. It’s very apparent that they love what they do and watching their work unfold is truly a joy.

Have a project? Let’s talk!