Slow and ugly
Many years ago at a previous job, I was responsible for pushing our organization to adopt a new ticket tracking system. We decided to use an open source project called Request Tracker (RT). This…
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Many years ago at a previous job, I was responsible for pushing our organization to adopt a new ticket tracking system. We decided to use an open source project called Request Tracker (RT). This…
Mobile web growth since the last time a Flurry report spurred articles about the death of the web on mobile devices. Source: StatCounter.
I normally don’t write a post simply to link to another article, but if you’ve enjoyed the things I’ve written about responsive images, you really should read what Eric Portis wrote about Srcset and…
Last June, we released our hideShowPassword plugin for improving the experience of password-entry (particularly on mobile devices). As of this writing, it’s our most-starred and most-forked project on GitHub.
In July we released SimpleSlideView, a jQuery and Zepto plugin for simple, responsive sliding views (here’s a demo). In the last few months, I’ve noticed an uptick in developers emailing to ask a…
Have you seen Dan Bricklin‘s Responsive App Design video? Yes, that Dan Bricklin. The “father of the spreadsheet” Dan Bricklin. I desperately wanted to include this video in my last article on…
When people say that something is responsive, what do they mean? I’m not being facetious. I think many of us think we know what is meant, but when you dig deeper, there is disagreement about…
Maximiliano Firtman broke the news a couple days ago that Android 4.4 (Kit Kat) will not ship to manufacturers with a browser: I had official confirmation: Android 4.4+ doesn’t ship with…
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from our friend Dan Moore. He recently wrote a book about PhoneGap’s new command line tools. I asked him to share…
One of the most common questions I get asked during responsive design workshops is how to handle tables. I usually show some of the techniques and then tell people they should pick the right technique…