Our Off-Canvas Menu Plugin
On a recent responsive design project, we wanted an off-canvas menu for narrow viewports. We tried some of the off-canvas menu libraries out there. But, being very particular about design and performance, we ended…
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On a recent responsive design project, we wanted an off-canvas menu for narrow viewports. We tried some of the off-canvas menu libraries out there. But, being very particular about design and performance, we ended…
It’s easy to take the “masking” of passwords (replacing characters with ••••) for granted. As Luke Wroblewski documented last November, this practice increases login failures while providing little-to-no security benefit. Here’s the alternative Luke…
Recently, Cloud Four dev Matt Gifford built a slick, responsive off-canvas navigation enhancement for a project (we’ll be releasing the core code shortly, so keep an eye out for Matt’s post about that!). The…
WordPress 2.8 introduced some constants and bits and bots that nominally make certain kinds of compression of JavaScript and CSS possible. This post looks at JavaScript compression and explains what is possible, and what is…
Warning: Technical WordPress post ahead! Overview: Really Getting JavaScript Into the Footer Quoth the WordPress Version 2.8 feature list: – Improvements to the script loader: allows plugins to queue scripts for the front end…