Truth, Lies and Progress Bars

An early encounter with a fabricated progress indicator inspired several more honest alternatives.
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An early encounter with a fabricated progress indicator inspired several more honest alternatives.
It can be surprising for new clients to see just how much of our design process happens in HTML, CSS and (light) JavaScript.
A simple trick for styling cards with breakout elements.
Do new CSS properties make justified text with automatic hyphenation more viable?
I didn't get a chance to hit the pumpkin patch this year, so I missed out on seeing any corn mazes. To make up for it, I decided to make some mazes of my own! Being a programmer, I over-engineered it and built a random maze generator!
In college, I took a life drawing class and learned a helpful sketching exercise I still like doing today. While drawing last night, I realized that I use the philosophy behind this exercise in my web design process and day-to-day life.
Instead of making your customers wait months, or years, for a modern version of an existing application, learn how you can plan to gradually transition from your legacy app to a new one.
A delightful metaphor from the world of game development.
In the latest episode of Fourcast, Jason and I dove headfirst into how to approach the seemingly herculean effort of updating and modernizing an old application. The First Step on a Long Journey…
In the very first episode of our new Fourcast podcast, I sat down with Tyler Sticka, and we unpacked the often daunting world of legacy application redesigns. It’s a tale of fear, strategy, and…