Highly Customizable Background Gradients

How to create a complex but highly customizable background gradient that can be modified easily using CSS custom properties.
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How to create a complex but highly customizable background gradient that can be modified easily using CSS custom properties.
I knew CSS blend modes could create some cool effects, but even so, a CodePen I saw recently left me shocked at what they’re capable of.
Learning VoiceOver can feel overwhelming, so I’m here to give you a simple, repeatable process you can follow to make testing with VoiceOver as easy as possible.
On a recent client project, we built a form that submitted to a third-party registration service. Easy-peasy, right? What followed was a comical series of incidents that served as an excellent lesson in defensive API handling.
For a recent project, we needed to take a small web application and embed it inside a client’s existing site. Typically, this means inheriting the site’s styles. However, in this case, the client wanted this…
A friend recently shared his frustration with CSS development. I responded to him with a high-level overview of the current state of CSS. If you’re feeling a bit out of touch with modern CSS development, I hope this helps. You’d be surprised how much you can do with vanilla CSS nowadays!
Timber's resize filters don't play nicely with the Cloudinary WordPress plugin. We added our own custom image optimizer function that check if an image is served from Cloudinary or WordPress and use the appropriate resize method.
You may have heard that you should be “linting” your code. What does that mean? Why would you want to do it?
It’s no secret around the office that I’m a bit of a process wonk. In the past, I’ve been certified as a scrum master, and I have opinions about agile workflows. So it may surprise…
If you’ve ever had to review a PR where the only code change is adding a wrapper element, you’ll be familiar with the pain of reviewing what appears to be a massive change but is actually trivial.